
World Soil Day today

Published : 04 Dec 2023 10:10 PM

The World Soil Day-2023 will be observed in the country like elsewhere across the world with the theme ‘Soil and Water: A Source of Life’.

The theme was taken aiming to raise awareness of the importance and relationship between soil and water in achieving sustainable and resilient agrifood systems and conserving soil biodiversity.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) observes the World Soil Day on December 5 every year to raise awareness about the importance of soil, its quality, and the entire ecosystem. 

Soil is an essential component of human life. However, soil and water are becoming polluted due to global climate change and increasing food demand for growing population and industrialization. As a result, food security through proper use of soil and water is a major challenge.

Against this backdrop, public awareness should be increased for soil conservation, proper use of land and prevention of soil degradation.

In 2002, the International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) proposed establishing a global day to recognise the soil. The FAO backed the initiative and assisted in officially establishing the World Soil Day under the leadership of the Kingdom of Thailand within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership.

In June 2013, the FAO Conference approved the day and advocated for its formal adoption at the 68th United Nations General Assembly. The UN General Assembly announced December 5, 2014, the first World Soil Day.