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Work of botanical garden begins at IU

Published : 03 Aug 2019 09:48 PM | Updated : 04 Sep 2020 10:48 PM

The authorities of Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia began the construction work of a Botanical Garden on the campus on Saturday in a bid to protect grower variations from global warming.

IU Vice Chancellor Prof Dr M Harun-Ur-Rashid Askari inaugurated the work as the chief guest in front of the university lake around 12:30pm.

Pro-Vice Chancellor Prof Dr M Shahinoor Rahman and Treasurer Prof Dr M Selim Toha attended the opening session as the special guests.

Around 16 types of saplings were planted with the assistance of Development Studies Department and Rotaract Club unit of the university whereas 140 species of fruit plants and herbs will be planted for the garden.

Among others, Dean of Social Science Faculty Prof Dr M Nasim Banu, Proctor in Charge Associate Professor Dr Anisur Rahman, Students Advisor Prof Dr M Paresh Chandra Barman, Prof Dr M Mahbubar Rahman, Acting Chief Engineer Alimuzzaman Totul, were presents. While addressing Dr Askari said, we took the initiative of making botanical garden to give a pretty look on campus.

We have to create huge forestation due to protect us from backlash of global warming and climate change, he added.