
Village court should be active to settle dispute

Published : 14 Jun 2019 08:27 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 02:02 AM

Shirin Akhter, Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) of  Shahrasti in Chandpur, formally handed over 21 kinds of government forms and registers for use at village courts to the chairmen and panel chairmen of 10 unions at a function. The UNO chaired the funciton held on Thursday. 

Md. Farid Ullah Chowdhury, Chairman of Shaharasti Upazila Parishad, Md. Quamruzzaman Minto, former chairman of the upazila, Habiba Akhter Mira, assistant Commissioner (land), chairmen of nine unions of the upazia and other officials were present at the upazila. In her speech, the UNO emphasized on the need of the proper use of the government forms and registers at village courts, and urged them to preserve the records carefully. Further she reminded the concerned to be careful  about maintaining the case records which might be called by the higher court in cause of need in future.

Upazila Chairman said, “Village court is an epoch-making step of the government, the members have to  work hard to give its fruitful results and achievement at every door. If the village courts are active, they can settle many conflicts and clashes.”

It may be recalled that the village court  was established at every Union Parishad in 2006, in order to settle the local disputes among the people.