
Therapies for hypokalemia (part 5)

Published : 12 May 2022 07:25 PM | Updated : 12 May 2022 07:26 PM

The underlying cause of Hypokalemia must first be treated. When the hypokalemia is severe, potassium chloride may be administered orally or intravenously. Treatment must be carefully monitored by a physician. Any associated acid-base disorders or hormonal disturbances must be evaluated before treatment is planned. The administration of potassium and potassium- sparing diuretics is usually discouraged in patients with kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, or dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system. The imbalance of external and internal potassium levels in these individuals may predispose them to life-threatening degrees of Hyperkalemia (too much potassium). Hypokalemia in individuals with high blood pressure taking diuretics may be improved by replacing lost potassium in the diet through certain fruits or potassium drugs. Hypokalemia may also be minimized by dietary restriction of salt since high rates of sodium excretion promote urinary potassium losses. People who participate in vigorous sports or exercise in warm weather should be sure to replace potassium that is lost through excessive sweating. This can be accomplished through dietary planning.

    Courtesy: Web MD