
Theatre artistes for vigilance amid crisis

Published : 08 Aug 2024 10:23 PM

The theater workers of Bangladesh have expressed deep concern over the country's current situation, calling for vigilance to prevent the mass uprising from being undermined. Recently, they protested against violent attacks on minorities, vandalism of sculptures and artworks, and arson against a theater team in Segunbagicha, Dhaka, in front of the National Theater of Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.

In their protest, they posed five critical questions. They asked why no action has been taken to protect art, industry, and historical structures amid the chaos and if there is a plan behind these actions that is not being stopped. They questioned why there is no visible action to safeguard minority communities and stop the ongoing violence, and whether this should be addressed by the President or the army. They also inquired about the message conveyed by talking to political parties instead of having a coordinated dialogue with agitating students, working professionals, and civil and military administration.

The theater workers wondered who is currently in charge of the country – the army chief, the President, the Speaker, or the Cabinet – and highlighted confusion about authority, especially as students have called for non-cooperation and ISPR has issued contradictory statements. Lastly, they questioned why there is no police presence at public buildings, police stations, and other key government sites, and why the army has not stepped in where police protection is lacking.

They urged all concerned parties not to let fear and violence diminish the strength of artists, art institutions, and minority communities, demanding immediate measures to protect the people and stop the violence. The protest was attended by notable figures including dancer Munmun Ahmed, actor Kazi Taufiqul Islam Imon, actress Tropa Mazumder, and others.