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Syndicate active again to make rice market volatile

Published : 26 Sep 2020 10:41 PM | Updated : 27 Sep 2020 12:55 AM

Despite having a huge government stock of rice, the price of the main staple food has increased, indicating market manipulation by an organised syndicate comprising wholesalers, millers and importers.

The unscrupulous traders have hiked the rice price to make the market unstable under the very nose of the authorities concerned.

Following onion price hike, the price of all types of rice in the market has gone up by an average of Tk 5 per kilogram (kg).

Common people are struggling to buy rice as the prices have gone up in the wholesale and retail markets of the capital without any logical reason.

Millers said, the sudden deficit in the supply of paddy in the market has pushed up the price of rice. But the food ministry said, the government has enough stocks. There is no shortage of rice. Adequate paddy and rice of Boro and Aus are available at farmers’ and traders’ levels. Rice production has increased in the country. There is no reason to increase the price of rice.

The mill owners and  wholesalers syndicate is raising prices by creating an artificial crisis. Showing the crisis before the arrival of Aman paddy, a section of traders are making huge profits from the rice market. In this situation, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Food have given a letter to the district  administrators to intensify the surveillance to control the market.

Visiting some city  rice markets it was learned that, coarse rice price especially Sorna and Guti rice is selling at Tk 44 to Tk 45 per kg, which was Tk 40 to Tk 42 at the beginning of the week, medium quality Lota, Paijam and BRRI-28 are selling at Tk 48 to Tk 50 per kg at retail level, which was Tk 45 to Tk 46 per kg last week. Normal quality Miniket price stood at Tk 58-60 per kg, which was Tk 52 to Tk 54 earlier. Fine quality Miniket and Nazirshail, which used to cost Tk 55 To 60 per kg, are now selling at Tk 60-65 per kg.

Md Yousuf, a trader of Karwan Bazar Kitchen Market, told this journalist that, "Rice prices have been raising from the past week. Per sack of 50 kg Rashid Minicat rice which was Tk 2700, this week it's selling at Tk 2800. As rice price has increased in the wholesale market, its impact is visible at retailers level."

Talking to multiple rice traders, it is learned that, the main reason for rice price increase is that small husking mills are not operating now. About a thousand husking mills are closed across the country. Only big auto mills are producing rice. Due to this, the supply of rice in the market has naturally decreased. That is why the price of rice is rising.

Bangladesh Auto Major and Husking Mill Owners Association General Secretary Layek Ali said that, "Only due to the closure of husky mills, rice price has increased. The reason for the increase in rice prices is that the season has come to an end. Moreover, there are natural disasters throughout the year. It is still raining every day. That is why the supply of paddy in the market has decreased, the price is also higher. If the price of paddy is high, rice price will go up."

According to the Agriculture Ministry, presently there is no logical reason to hike rice price. Adequate paddy and rice of Boro and Aus seasons are available at farmer and trader levels. Rice production has increased in the country. There is no shortage of paddy and rice in the market.

According to the Food Ministry, the government has started to distribute 1.5 million tonnes of rice to 5 million families under the food-friendly program to keep the market normal. Sales in the open market have increased. This will have a positive impact on the market. The government has more than 14.18 lakh tonnes of rice in stock as there is no shortage of rice anywhere. Even then, if there is a shortage, the government will import rice. 

The government's target was to collect eight lakh tonnes of paddy. So far, 2.19 lakh tonnes have been collected while the target for procurement of boiled rice was 1 million tonnes. Of this, 6.52162 tonnes have been collected. Against the target of collecting 1.t lakh tonnes Atap rice, 96472 tonnes have been collected.