
Sylhet Shishu Hospital in dire state

Published : 01 Jul 2019 06:34 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 10:52 PM

Sylhet Shishu Hospital cannot start its activities in full swing due to acute manpower shortage and equipment crisis.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the 100-bed Shishu Hospital in Sylhet named after Shaheed Dr Shamsuddin Ahmed on January 21, 2015. On that day, the Prime Minister announced the start of the hospital’s activities. But after four and half years of the announcement, the hospital cannot started its activities in full swing.

Tk 10 cr was allocated for this specialized hospital. Though the Public Works Department spent Tk 3 cr on infrastructural development. The remaining Tk 7 cr was returned thouhg the infrastructural development are not completed till the day.

It is known that, Sylhet Medical College Hospital (Present Osmani Medical College Hospital) was transferred from Chauhatta to Kajalshah area in 1978. Since then, the old hospital remained unprotected to 1991. In 1992 it was reborn named after Sylhet Sadar Hospital. Later in 1992, it was upgraded to 100 bed District Sadar Hospital and in 1998 Sylhet Ahmed it was renamed as Shaheed Dr Shamsuddin hospital.
According to the sources, a letter was sent to the health directorate and health and family welfare ministry in 2015-16 for appointing manpower to this specialized child hospital. At the same time, Tk 28 cr were requested for purchasing medicines and equipment.  More than one letter was sent for administrative approval to launch the hospital fully, the authorities have not been answered yet.There are 22 of 111 posts of various department are vacant with Doctors, nursing supervisors, staff nurses, etc. The equipment are being stuck in shortage of lab technicians and operators. The authorities are struggling to provide health services to the patients. The RMO post is also vacant. A junior consultant has been given additional responsibility to discharge the duty.

Dr Md Abdul Qaiyum, RMO of Sylhet Shaheed Dr Shamsuddin Ahmad Shishu Hospital, said that at least 100 patients are served every day in this hospital. Though we do not have the necessary manpower, machinery and infrastructure, we try to maintain the quality of service through the maximum utilization of our limited resource.

Superintendent of Shahid Shamsuddin Ahmed Hospital and Director of Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College, Brigadier Yunus Rahman said, "It is no longer under my control. Only the Health Department or Ministry of Public Health know the matter well.

Anisur Rahman, Assistant Director of Health Department in Sylhet said as per the announcement of the Prime Minister, each divisional town will have a special child hospital. Shaheed Shamsuddin Ahmad Shishu Hospital was identified for the specialized child hospital in Sylhet.

He added that as pattern of the specialized child hospital, it will have playground and everything that will be supportive for the child. To fulfill this requirements the old building of the hospital would be broken the whole. Now health engineering department knows how they do it.