
Students demand to change exam centre

Published : 05 Feb 2020 07:10 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 04:45 PM

Students of Government Shaheed Bulbul College in Pabna staged demonstration on Wednesday demanding to change of their HSC exam centre. They formed a human chain at the premises of the college. 

The students said the internal feud between the teachers of two institutions makes this worst situation. They alleged that teachers of Woman College threatened to examinees of Bulbul College as how they can do good result in the HSC exam. For that reason, students of Bulbul College are demanding to shift their HSC exam center.  

A severe traffic jam was seen during this time.

The HSC exam is going to start on April 1. Exam center for Shaheed Bulbul College is arranged at Government Woman College. On the other hand, Woman College's center was placed at City College.