Southeast Bank PLC. conducted a day-long capacity development program on “Sustainable Finance” in a hybrid format on Sunday at the Bank’s training institute in collaboration with the “Sustainable Finance Department” of Bangladesh Bank.
Divisional heads, executives, and officials from relevant Head Office divisions, along with all branch heads, participated in the program.
The program covered key topics on Sustainable Finance, including an overview of sustainable finance, sustainable finance reporting, green refinance schemes, and Environmental and Social Risk Management (ESRM) guidelines.
The program was inaugurated by Nuruddin Md. Sadeque Hossain, Managing Director of Southeast Bank PLC., who emphasized the Bank’s strong commitment to sustainability and its strategic goal of becoming a leader in Bangladesh Bank’s “Sustainability Rating”, highlighting the crucial role financial institutions play in advancing positive environmental, social, and economic outcomes, viewing sustainable finance as essential to generating lasting value for clients and communities.
Hossain extended his sincere gratitude to Chowdhury Liakat Ali, Director, Sustainable Finance Department, along with other esteemed officials from Bangladesh Bank, acknowledging their invaluable contributions as resource persons for the program.