
Sound pollution exceeds permissible limit in Jhenaidah town

Published : 03 Jan 2021 07:36 PM | Updated : 10 Mar 2021 06:36 PM

The sound pollution in Jhenaidah district town has exceeded the permissible limit. Against this backdrop, Juba Federation, a local organization of the youths in Jhenaidah, organised press conference at Jhenaidah Press Club on Sunday demanding stopping of sound pollution in the town. 

Convener of the organisation SM Rabi read out the written statement at the press conference. Khondaker Hafiz Farooque, Liakat Ali, Kanan Kumar Das, Ekramul Haque Liku, Raju Ahmed Mijan and Shanaj Parvin Setu were also present at the press conference, among others. 

They said that huge publicity mikes on rickshaw, vans and other three wheelers have been conducting their publicity with huge polluting sound in the town round the clock ignoring the general ban on using the same. The authorities had been keeping their eyes mum although the environmentalists and other non-governmental organisations have been calling upon to stop the harmful activities. 

Read More: Air pollution at its peak

They also said that the publicity mikes are brought by private hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centres, physicians, energy bulb sellers, rat killers, picnic parties, audio-video recording shops and some other social arrangements round the clock. They even do not maintain the law during the publicity. Further, the drivers of rickshaw, vans and three wheelers use hydraulic horns with noisy sounds make the situation graved.

Quoting the health experts, it was said at the press conference that the noisy sounds have been affecting the pregnant mothers, children, and patients with hypertension, heart diseases and some other complications. Mentioning a survey of the environment department, the press conference said the sound pollution have been causing serious health hazards like reduce of hearing with ear, high blood pressure, loss of sleeping in the night, headache, nausea and vomiting, heart complications etc. 

Hearing capacity of about 12 per cent people in the country was lost due to sound pollution in last couple of decades. Only stopping the rampant use of mike and other instruments, might help live the people well. The press conference had demanded to stop all sorts of polluting sound in the town for a livable society.