
Sheikh Russell Hall wins JU inter-hall debate competition

Published : 14 Aug 2023 09:51 PM

Sheikh Russell Hall won the inter-hall debate tournament run by the Jahangirnagar University Debating Society (JUDS) in honor of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman's 48th death anniversary.

The event, which lasted two days, attracted fervent participation from 13 different halls. Along with the victory, Hasan Mahmud Samrat and Junaid Kabir Jahin made up Sheikh Russell Hall's successful group.

Samrat said that this accomplishment is a significant turning point for the recently renamed Sheikh Russell Hall and is a source of great pleasure and respect. He expressed his hope for further progress in the area of intellectual conversation in the hall.

Jahin conveyed his elation in being a part of the triumphant team, highlighting the inherent potential within Sheikh Russell Hall to dominate forthcoming inter-hall debating competitions. He aspired to establish Sheikh Russell Hall as a preeminent debating entity within Jahangirnagar University.

JUDS holds a pivotal role in nurturing debating prowess at Jahangirnagar University. Established in 1997, the society has consistently orchestrated a diverse array of events, including debates, aimed at showcasing the university's eloquence both domestically and internationally.

This year's successful inter-hall debating competition stands as a testament to the relentless dedication and hard work exhibited by the JUDS team.