
Sheikh Hasina’s return: A catalyst for Bangladesh’s transformation

Published : 16 May 2024 10:25 PM

On May 17, 1981, a momentous event occurred in the history of Bangladesh. Sheikh Hasina, the daughter of the founding father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, came back to her country after six years of exile. This represented not just the conclusion of a distressing personal exile but also the commencement of a momentous epoch for Bangladesh. Her return to home triggered a sequence of events that would ultimately transform the political terrain of the nation and lead its path towards progress and success.

Sheikh Hasina returned to Bangladesh during a period when the country was dealing with the consequences of the violent murder of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and the majority of his family members on August 15, 1975. The country was experiencing political upheaval and instability, as consecutive military governments sought to eradicate the influence and impact of Bangabandhu. The Awami League, the political party that had spearheaded the nation's liberation, was in a state of disorganization, with its leaders dispersed and its morale down. Against this background, Sheikh Hasina's homecoming symbolized a source of optimism for people who longed for a revival of the principles of the Liberation War and the aspiration of a secular and progressive Bangladesh.

Upon her arrival, Sheikh Hasina encountered formidable challenges. The political atmosphere was characterized by hostility, with ongoing threats against her safety. Notwithstanding these perils, her determination to reinstate democracy and fulfill her father's goal for Bangladesh remained unwavering. She had a crucial role in rejuvenating the Awami League. She undertook a mission to reorganize the party, reestablish connections with the grassroots, and foster a revitalized sense of purpose among its members. With unwavering will and astute strategic skills, she systematically reconstructed the party's organization and restored its reputation among the general populace. 

Sheikh Hasina demonstrated her exceptional leadership abilities while successfully navigating the intricate political environment of the 1980s and 1990s. Her dedication to democracy was shown in her steadfast resistance against the dictatorial regimes of General Hussain Muhammad Ershad and subsequently, the political manipulations that ensued. She spearheaded many campaigns and demonstrations, advocating for the reinstatement of democratic principles and equitable electoral processes. In 1996, her determination resulted in the Awami League achieving a significant victory in the parliament elections, leading to her becoming the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the first time. 

The importance of Sheikh Hasina's return to Bangladesh goes beyond her first endeavors to reinstate democracy. During her time as Prime Minister, she has consistently focused on promoting economic growth, advancing social welfare, and gaining global prominence for Bangladesh. Under her guidance, the nation has experienced significant advancements in several areas, resulting in a profound transformation of the socio-economic environment. 

Bangladesh has achieved significant economic progress. The nation has attained persistent GDP growth, positioning itself as one of the most rapidly expanding economies globally. Substantial investments in infrastructure, energy, and industry have stimulated economic activity and generated millions of employment opportunities. Policies targeting poverty reduction, such as extending the coverage of social safety nets, have elevated millions of individuals from poverty and enhanced living conditions throughout the nation. 

Sheikh Hasina's government has placed a high importance on education, healthcare, and gender equality in the field of social development. There has been a significant enhancement in the literacy rate due to improved educational opportunities for both genders. The government's focus on female education and empowerment has resulted in increased gender equality and the emergence of women in many sectors. Healthcare measures, such as the establishment of community clinics and the implementation of healthcare finance, have effectively enhanced the availability of medical services, resulting in a substantial decrease in maternal and newborn mortality rates. 

Her leadership has elevated Bangladesh's position on the international platform. Bangladesh's international status has been improved by its government's aggressive foreign policy and effective diplomacy. The nation's involvement in peacekeeping operations, its prominence in advocating for climate change, and its strategic alliances have earned it worldwide respect and recognition. 

Her leadership has had a significant influence on social justice and secularism. Her government has implemented measures to safeguard the rights of minorities and promote religious peace while adhering to the values of secularism and inclusion. The adherence to secular ideals, which are firmly established in the country's battle for freedom, has been a fundamental principle of her government. 

In addition, Sheikh Hasina has always supported the pursuit of justice for the atrocities perpetrated during the 1971 Liberation War. The government's endeavors to prosecute war criminals through the International Crimes Tribunal have played a crucial role in settling past complaints and promoting a feeling of resolution for the victims and their families. 

The return of Sheikh Hasina not only signifies her homecoming but also symbolizes the determination and steadfast dedication of a nation to the principles on which it was established. The trajectory from her forced removal from the country to her current position of highest authority in politics serves as evidence of her unwavering determination and her unwavering commitment to the citizens of Bangladesh. With her diligent work, she has not only reconstructed the Awami League but has also propelled Bangladesh to unprecedented levels of progress, affluence, and international acclaim. 

Ultimately, the importance of Sheikh Hasina's return on May 17, 1981, cannot be exaggerated. The turning point had a rejuvenating effect on the Awami League, reinstated democratic government, and propelled Bangladesh onto an unparalleled trajectory of prosperity and development. Her leadership consistently motivates and directs the nation towards a more promising and affluent future. 

The writer is a Professor in the Department of Public Administration at the 

University of Rajshahi.