
Septuagenarian found dead after missing in Ulipur

Published : 10 Jul 2024 10:04 PM

A septuagenarian man was found dead one day after he went missing in Haker Char area under Shaheber Alga union of Ulipur in Kurigram on Wednesday.

The deceased was identified as Mushfikur Rahman, 72, resident of the Upazila.

Locals and family sources of the deceased said Mushfikur Rahman went out of his house on Tuesday afternoon to buy tobacco. 

He did not return his house at that night. Family members and relatives started searching him as he did not return home after a long time. 

However, they did not find him anywhere. Later, a local woman saw the floating body of Mushfikur Rahman at a canal in the area on Wednesday morning and informed the relatives of him. 

Officer-in-Charge  of Ulipur Police Sta­tion Golam Mortuza said an UD case was filed in this connection as there was no complaint from the deceased’s family.