Dr. Sarker Md. Ibrahim Khalil, Associate Professor of the Department of Fisheries Health Management of Sylhet Agricultural University, who recently completed his PhD degree from the University of Udine, Italy, has been awarded the prestigious best PhD thesis award at the 28th Italian National Fish Pathological Conference.
Every year the Italian Fish Pathological Society (SIPI) awards one PhD thesis as the best thesis out of the thesis completed in the last one year from Italian universities. It is a prestigious award for students who completed their PhD in Italian universities. As part of the award, Dr. Ibrahim Khalil received a certificate, cash prize and his name will be listed on the societies website like previous years.
Dr. Ibrahim Khalil received the award at a conference held at the University of Bologna in Bologna City. Dr. Donatella Volpatti, Co-Supervisor of Dr. Ibrahim Khalil received the award on behalf of him.
This is the first time that the award has been awarded to anyone outside Italians since its inception in 2006. This award is given by evaluating the thesis of the PhD degree students of different countries of Asia and Europe. After receiving this award, Dr. Ibrahim Khalil expressed his gratitude to his supervisor, co-supervisor, his family, friends and colleagues.