Sports, Football

Sanjida returns to practice

Published : 19 May 2024 10:08 PM | Updated : 19 May 2024 10:08 PM

Sanjida Akhter, the star winger of the Bangladesh national women football team returned to practice after recovering the illness.

Sanjida, who suffered from ‘Dengu Fever’ for a long, now her blood platelet is One Lac seventy thousands but physically she is very weak.

Sanjida participated in the practice for the first time after coming round from the Dengu on Sunday.

Mahbubur Rahman Litu, coach of the women team informed the reporters that despite her weakness Sanjida could take the load of the practice session.  Litu further informed that due to her weakness she has to push saline for two times.  Sanjida, who scored four goals in two matches in the ongoing Women Football League and after that she was attacked by Dengu Fever.  Sanjida also failed to join in the team practice due to fever, as following the doctor’s advice she had to go for complete bed rest.   

Meanwhile, Bangladesh women team are taking preparation for their upcoming FIFA Friendly matches against Chinese Taipei to take place on May 31 and 3rd June. 

Sanjida expected that she would be in the squad but very much uncertain whether would able to play the FIFA friendly matches.

Coach Litu said, “It is too early to say whether she would be able to play the matches against Chinese Taipei. But tomorrow (today) we will ensure her physical condition. It is 10 to 12 days in our hands to play the matches, we will have time to observe her condition. But it is a big satisfaction that she has returned to practice.”