
RU admission test date rescheduled

Published : 20 May 2021 09:47 PM

The date of admission test for Rajshahi University (RU) Honors’ 2020-21 academic session has been rescheduled due to the surge in Coronavirus transmission. Although the admission test was scheduled to be completed between June 14 and 16, the exams will be held from August 16 to 18 according to the altered date.

The decision was taken at a meeting of the admission sub-committee yesterday (May 20). Azizur Rahman, Administrator of the Public Relations department of the university, confirmed it through a press release on the same day. He said a decision to postpone the admission test was taken at a meeting of the admissions sub-committee chaired by Vice Chancellor Prof Ananda Kumar Saha, who is routinely in charge of Vice-Chancellor, at Shaheed Tajuddin Ahmed Senate building yesterday. There, the university administration came to this decision considering the overall situation of the country.

According to the decision, ‘C’ unit exams will be held on August 16, ‘B’ unit exams on August 17 and ‘A’ unit exams will be held on August 16 in three shifts each day.