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Rohingya anti-repat terror groups active in camps

Published : 12 Jul 2023 01:42 AM | Updated : 12 Jul 2023 01:42 AM

The Myanmar military junta allegedly has a secret agreement with the terrorist organizations in Rohingya camps in Cox’s Bazar to halt the Rohingya repatriation process.

According to the Rohingyas who are currently residing in the camps, the Rohingya terrorist outfits often instigate deadly violence whenever international discussions regarding the vulnerable Ronhingya community arise. The Rohingya armed groups in association with Myanmar military government are mainly targeting the important events related to repatriation or the mistreatment of Rohingyas in Myanmar, to carry out planned acts of sabotage. 

Most of the ordinary Rohingyas suspect that these activities are conducted under the secret influence of the Myanmar military junta.

Various government organizations and officials have alleged that Myanmar's mission is behind the murders in the Rohingya camps. It is believed that Myanmar maintains secret communication with more than 30 armed groups centered around the Rohingya camps. The Myanmar military regime is allegedly providing Rohingya terrorist groups with weapons support.

They also alleged that several camps were set ablaze only to create obstacles to the discussions on the repatriation of Rohingyas to Myanmar.

Myanmar's primary objective is to create instability and foster division within the Rohingya camps, intelligence reports suggest.  Myanmar military junta’s only aim is to target and eliminate Rohingyas and anti-junta Rohingya activists during the repatriation process. This was also witnessed on September 29, 2021, when ARSA killed the prominent Rohingya leader, Mohib Ullah.

A recent incident highlights the precarious situation within the camps. Last Thursday, a delegation led by International Criminal Court (ICC) Chief Counsel Karim Asad Ahmad Khan visited Camp No. 1 West in Kutupalong to gather information about the torture faced by Rohingyas in Myanmar. 

Tragically, during their visit, a deputy head of one of the camp blocks, Abdullah, was shot and stabbed to death near the camp.

Talking to Bangladesh Post on July 11, Commanding Officer of 14-Armed Police Battalion Sayed Harun Or Rashid said, “If you see their behavior, you will see that they are busy in the fierce clashes to dominate the Rohingya camps and to control the illegal drug smuggling.”

 They have no activities regarding the repatriation of the ordinary Rohingya communities, he said adding, rather these groups threaten those who voice in favour of Rohingya repatriation.

The boss of APBN-14 said, “These indicate something…. . They never work about the demands of the ordinary Rohingyas, rather they are threats for the common Rohingyas” 

 According to eyewitnesses, Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) terrorists called Rohingyas and killed Ebadullah after luring them to the presence of the ICC representatives.

Most of the Rohingya camps situated in Ukhia and Teknaf in Cox's Bazar have become hotspots of violence, with frequent clashes and a surge in criminal activities. Daylight shootings, murders, kidnappings, robberies, and rapes have sadly become routine occurrences within the camps. More than 30 armed groups are actively involved in these criminal activities, centered on the Rohingya camps. Cox's Bazar District Police have reported that 48 people have lost their lives within the camp from January this year until last Friday.  

 However, unofficial claims put the number at 57. Shockingly, since 2017, a total of 181 deaths have occurred in the Rohingya camps.

Over the past seven months, Rohingya terrorists have kidnapped 79 local residents in the pursuit of ransom, resulting in the murder of six individuals. Currently, 39 kidnapping cases have been registered by the authorities. Cox's Bazar district police further revealed that out of the 48 killings within the camp in the last six months and seven days, 32 victims were leaders and volunteers involved in managing the Rohingya camps. These individuals were actively working to prevent crimes committed by Rohingyas and promote their repatriation to Myanmar.

Law enforcement agencies have been taking action against these armed groups, leading to the recovery of over 400 firearms in the past year alone. Additionally, 168 arrests have been made after conducting raids in various Ukhia-Teknaf camps.

In another violent clash, six individuals lost their lives during a shootout between the ARSA and the Arakan Solidarity Organization (RSO) at Camp-8 West in Ukhia early Friday morning. Out of the victims, five were affiliated with ARSA, while one was a member of RSO.

Assistant Superintendent of Police (Operation and Media) of APBN-8, Farooq Ahmed, stated, "The increasing murders within the camp are a result of internal conflicts between multiple armed groups. No terrorist activities will be tolerated, and those involved in crimes will be brought to justice. An ongoing operation is underway to apprehend the killers."

The situation within the Rohingya camps remains precarious, with the presence of numerous armed organizations exacerbating violence and endangering the lives of innocent residents. Swift and effective measures are imperative to ensure the safety and security of the Rohingya community, as well as to address the root causes of the conflict.