Education & Culture

Reasons why freelancing during college is awesome!

Published : 23 Jun 2023 08:03 PM

Freelance writing can accommodate a lot of lifestyles, providing an effective – and fun! – way to make extra cash while indulging in a passion for words and witticisms. And it’s perfect for college students!

As we gradually enter the post-pandemic era, people are continuously looking for new ways to make a living and find extra sources of income. Here we put forward 6 Reasons for choosing freelancing as a career:

1. Flexible Work Schedule in Freelancing

As a freelancer, you practically get to work on your own schedule and, to top it off, from the comfort of your own home! Working as a freelancer eliminates the need to go to the workplace daily. Working on freelance projects allows you to be more flexible with your work schedule.

Hence, you can say goodbye to 9 to 5 office hours and still earn just as much (if not more) by working as a skilled freelancer. For you, it’s a complete win-win! This is one of the most significant benefits of freelancing.

2. Opportunities for Networking in Freelancing

The world around us is changing fast and in order to keep up, we require relationships that add value to our career and growth. When you work as a freelancer, you get the opportunity to show your work to a variety of clients from all around the world. This has a huge prospect of providing you with the major break you need to uplift your career.

As a freelancer, you ought to be open to any opportunity that comes your way since making money is crucial, but building a network of prominent clients makes it a lot easier!

3. Freedom to choose your Work as a Freelancer

Freelancing allows you to pursue your passions following your creative instincts. You can choose to work on projects that interest you while also adding your own flair to them!

When you operate alone, you get to make all the decisions associated with the task yourself. The entire process allows you to explore your ideas, experiment with them and apply them to your projects. You will reach a greater level of personal and professional progress by undergoing this process. It is one of the key reasons why you should work as a freelancer.

4. Work-life Synergy in Freelancing

If you’re sceptical about how the work-life balance is as a freelancer, we have good news for you! Freelancing allows you to choose the projects you want to work on, based on your availability. This gives you the power to strike the perfect work-life balance you desire. 

If you’re a workaholic, you can take on multiple projects at a time and stay busy for the better part of the day. If you’re a little laid back or if you’re somewhat busy with personal commitments, you can choose to take on less, so that you have ample time to spend with your family and watch Netflix for an hour or two! Doesn’t that seem like a plan?

The best feature I find about freelancing is that you’re not constantly rushing towards deadlines or accomplishing unachievable goals, unless of course, you choose to do so!

5. Consistent Flow of Income in Freelancing

When you’re employed in a regular job, you’re tied to a predetermined monthly salary, with very little scope of increasing it at least for a significant period of time. However, freelancing allows you to generate income from multiple sources, depending on the number of clients and the volume of work you take on. Once you practice and polish your skills, you gradually become more efficient and can easily earn more by taking on a greater number of projects.

Another feature to note is that you are not limited to one type of customer and there is flexibility for experimentation. This will allow you to discover your niche and gradually develop your expertise on it.

6. Unpredictable Job Market

Many companies have suffered largely during the pandemic. This has resulted in unemployment and job insecurity. These concerns are unimportant when you are working as an independent contractor, i.e. a freelancer.

Although freelancing has its downsides in terms of job security, if you’re well-skilled, there will always be a demand for your work in the marketplaces.