
Rare predator sucker fish netted in Bagha

Published : 10 Jun 2024 08:08 PM

Fishermen at a pond of Digha Naodapara village under Bagha Upazila caught three rare predator Sucker fishes on Saturday evening. 

Owner of the pond Jamir Uddin informed he released small fish fries of various local varieties of fish like Ruhi, Katla and Mrigel earlier. On Saturday evening the fishermen were catching fish from the pond and found those three rare predator sucker fishes trapped inside their net. He further said the fishes were unknown to them but some local youngmen by watching the internet identified those as the Sucker fishes. 

The long-sized fish bears pointed bones on their bodies and have no scales. The mouth of the fish is elongated and the black-coloured body bears yellow spots. Those three fishes weighed one kilogramme. 

Bagha Upazila Fisheries Officer Shahadul Islam also identified the fishes as the Predator Sucker Mouth Cafishes.  He also informed the fish is a threat to the local varieties of fish since it swallows other fishes voraciously. This type of Predator Suckerfish is banned in the country. It can also survive in contaminated water. This type of fish is unfit for consumption and should be killed and destroyed, he added.