
Rajshahi may witness record Boro production in a decade

Published : 16 May 2024 10:42 PM

Rajshahi is on track to achieve a record-breaking paddy production this year, marking the highest yield in the past decade. With the plantation target surpassed, farmers' aspirations are soaring across the fields as they prepare for the bustling activity of harvesting and threshing the golden harvest of Boro rice.

Despite some delays in planting due to the late harvesting of Rabi seeds and adverse weather conditions affecting seedbeds, farmers persevered, ultimately exceeding expectations by cultivating more land than initially projected. However, challenges such as increased production costs, including higher prices for fertilizers and pesticides, have raised concerns about profitability, notwithstanding the promising production outlook. According to the Rajshahi Agricultural Extension Department, Boro production has seen consistent growth over the years. In the fiscal year 2021–22, 65,834 hectares of land yielded 271,171 metric tonnes of rice, marking a substantial increase compared to previous years. This trend continues with the current season's planting covering 70,160 hectares of land, aiming for a production target of 346,070 metric tonnes of rice.

Farmers, such as Enamul Haque from Tilahari village, express satisfaction with this year's yield, noting improvements compared to the previous year. However, widespread harvesting has yet to commence fully, with some regions reporting slower progress. Agriculture officials, like Mostakima Khatun, the Agriculture Officer of Mohanpur Upazila, confirm that most of the paddy has ripened, with harvesting expected to accelerate in the coming weeks, promising a bountiful yield. Training Officer Umme Chalma of the Rajshahi Agriculture Extension Department reports that 30 percent of rice farmers have already commenced harvesting by May 15, with expectations of surpassing production targets and minimal reports of crop failure due to adverse weather conditions. The region remains optimistic about achieving a robust paddy harvest, further bolstering its agricultural prowess.