
Rajshahi diamond potato to be exported abroad

Published : 22 Nov 2021 09:49 PM

At least 1,000 metric tonnes of Diamond variety of Potato is likely to be exported to Malaysia for the first time from Rajshahi. 

To ensure a quality production of this diamond variety of potato farmers of Tanore areas are now spending a busy time taking care of the plant under the supervision of BADC.

BADC sources in Rajshahi informed last year potatoes from Joypurhat, Rangpur and Bogura were exported to various countries including in Malaysia but this is for the first time potatoes of Rajshahi would be sent abroad. BADC officials and field workers  are giving training to farmers, monitoring their work and advising them round the clock. BADC have also supplied an advanced, quality variety of potato seeds to the farmers.  Farmer Lutfar Rahman of Tanore upazila informed, he has cultivated potato on nearly 150 bighas of land. He said he has collected potato seeds from BADC and is working according to the advice of BADC officials and field workers. Hasan Toufiqur Rahman, Deputy Director of BADC, Rajshahi, infor­med, potato of Bangladesh are being exported to at least nine countries inclu­ding in Malaysia, Singa­pore, Thailand, Japan, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Nepal and Russia. Due to a good production, farmers of the country usually cultivate Granola, Musica, Diamond, Asteriks, Cardinal, Rosetta and local varieties of potato. 

BADC is supplying quality seeds to the farmers. He added, virgin soil is specially suited for the cultivation of potato that is why BADC is searching for the virgin soil in Rajshahi areas.