
Rajshahi court summons Paba OC for failure to submit report in 2yrs

Published : 04 Aug 2023 08:23 PM

The Rajshahi Cyber Tribunal Court asked the Paba police station officer-in-charge to appear before it on August 10 to explain his failure to submit an investigation report in a case in two years.

Judge Md Ziaur Rahman passed the order on Wednesday as the police official failed to submit the investigation report on 22 times of scheduled date, said public prosecutor Ismat Are Begem.

She said that the tribunal directed OC Sheikh Muhammad Mobarak Pervez to submit a detailed investigation report on May 11 last time, but the latter did not comply with the court order.

Instead, the police official submitted a progress report to the tribunal on June 15 mentioning that there had been some delays for collecting appropriate information, Ismat Ara said.

The tribunal mentioned that there was a specific time frame for submitting an investigation report as per Section 40 of the Digital Security Act-2018, and the failure to submit the report within the stipulated time might be regarded as negligence and inefficiency in the discharge of duty.

It also noted that, due to major delays in investigations, the justice seekers were being deprived of their rights while the criminals, therefore, walked freely.

Paba Police Station OC Sheikh Muhammad Mobarak Pervez informed that he was not aware of the court order which might be the cause of the delay in submitting the IR in due time.

Earlier in October 2021, a fish trader filed a case with the tribunal against a person for sharing offensive information about him on social media.

Later, the tribunal asked the Paba police station OC to investigate the case and submit a report to the court.