Hike in prices of essential commodities is a topic which comes up every few months. As always the main reason behind this blatant conspiracy is a syndicate of traders. They are responsible for the current rise in prices of essential commodities like rice, onions and potatoes. These traders are always in control of the supplies due to weak market monitoring system.
Traders also say as rice import has been cancelled, it is affecting rice prices. However, after completing the Aman rice harvesting, the price may go down.
The government needs to ensure a
stable supply of essential commodities
in the market so that prices do not soar
Prices of essential commodities at kitchen markets in the Capital need strong monitoring by law enforcement agencies and other government measures are also needed to protect consumer rights.
Syndicates can only be stopped if law enforcement agencies continue strict monitoring in the market throughout the year. We know that if demand rises above supply, prices will rise as well. Therefore, the government needs to ensure a stable supply of essential commodities in the market so that prices do not soar.
Read more: Rice price hike leaves marginal people in distress
When the price of these essential commodities goes up, raids are launched on store houses, retailers are fined and jailed. However the big guns behind the scenes always remain out of hands. These businessmen who run the syndicates always remain one step ahead of the government.
Actions should be taken against them first. Some of them also have connections with persons at top levels in the government.
Therefore, if the government really wants to destroy the syndicates, small inconsistent operations will not do the job. The actual bosses behind the scenes must be brought to book.