Education & Culture

Politics banned in CUET

Published : 08 Aug 2024 10:29 PM

Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology (CUET) has banned all forms of student politics on its campus. This decision also includes banning political activities of teachers, officials, and employees. The university's syndicate made this decision during its 136th emergency meeting on Wednesday. The university later announced this decision through a notification.

The notification stated that both students and staff of the university are now prohibited from being involved in any political organizations or activities. The notification also warned that anyone who disobeys this order will face punishment according to university rules.

This decision comes after a recent wave of student protests demanding a ban on student politics in educational institutions across the country. These protests were part of an anti-discrimination student movement. Responding to these demands, the CHUTE administration has taken this step to ban student politics on campus.

Many ordinary students have been calling for such a ban, arguing that political activities disrupt their studies and create an unsafe environment. They believe that the ban will help create a more focused and peaceful atmosphere for learning at CHUTE.

This decision is significant as it reflects the growing concerns among students and university authorities about the impact of politics on education. It remains to be seen how this ban will affect the overall environment at the university and whether other institutions will follow suit.