
Police Memorial Day observed

Published : 11 Mar 2024 08:48 PM

Rajshahi Range Police, Rajshahi Metropolitan Police, Rajshahi District Police and various police units of Rajshahi jointly organised the Police Memorial Day-2024 on Saturday morning with due respect.

The programes of the day started with the placing of the wreaths at the Memorial Plaque of Rajshahi Police Lines. Afterwards, prayers were offered seeking the salvation of the departed souls of the Police. Besides, a one-minute silence was observed. Later, a discussion was also held at Rajshahi Police lines Drill Sheds.

Presided over by Saifur Rahman, Superintendent of Police of Rajshahi, the meeting was attended and addressed, among others, by RMP Commissioner Biplob Bijoy Talukder.

In his address, the RMP Commissioner recalled with due respect and veneration the martyred Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and his martyred family members, all martyred Freedom Fighters and all the police members who sacrificed their lives for the state. He said, all the police members of Bangladesh are engaged deep sincerity to ensure the security of the people and to maintain Law and Order situation in the country. 

Police are with the people- from the great Struggle of Liberation to now at the crucial moment in the country. The sacrifice of the lives of the police members during national calamities and assigning their duties with the utmost patience, sincerity and patriotism in tackling any disaster are great instances which have glorified the Police members. He expressed his determination to stay beside the Members of the martyred police members. Members of the deceased police members also expressed their gratitude to Bangladesh Police for recalling the memory of their martyred dear and near ones. 

On this day, crests of honour were handed over to the family members of Dead-on-duty 42 police members during the last five years