
Non-govt college teachers demand MPO

Published : 12 Jul 2020 10:02 PM | Updated : 06 Sep 2020 05:55 PM

Colleges have ongoing Honors-Masters classes and the colleges also are MPO registered. There are hundreds of teachers in these colleges who are employed as per government rules, but they are not MPO registered. In such a situation, non-MPO teachers of different colleges have organized a human chain demanding 100% salary and allowance by enrolling in MPO.

Hundreds of teachers observed the program under the banner of Private College Honors-Masters Teachers Forum on the road in front of Noakhali Press Club at 11:30 am on Sunday. After a half-hour human chain, they held a press conference at the Shaheed Uddin Eskander Kochi Auditorium of the Press Club. 

The convener of the district committee Md Sahab Uddin, Member Secretary Zahirul Islam, Kamal Hossain and many others spoke during the conference.

The speakers said that even though every teacher has a degree od Honors-Masters, they are not yet an MPO. There are those who have been teaching for a maximum of 28 years and a minimum of 5 years. 

They are living on only 3-5 thousand taka given by the college, which is extremely inhumane.

They demanded to give MPO to these teachers by mentioning their manpower structure and MPO policy 2018. They said that not only MPO but also their career as lecturers ended without promotion.

At the end of the human chain, the teachers handed over a memorandum to the Prime Minister through the Deputy Commissioner.