Education & Culture

New curriculum for schools finalised

Published : 29 Jun 2024 09:25 PM

After numerous changes, the evaluation system for the new curriculum has finally been finalised. The National Curriculum and Textbook Board (NCTB) sent the new evaluation system to the National Curriculum Coordination Committee (NCCC). However, due to a month and a half delay in NCCC meetings, there has been uncertainty and confusion among teachers, students, and parents about how the new assessments will work.

The Ministry of Education has now called for a meeting of the NCCC on July 1. This meeting will give final approval to the evaluation system for students from grades six to ten. There will also be discussions on how the SSC exam will be conducted.

The Ministry of Education's notice stated that the meeting will focus on approving the proposed school-based assessments up to grade 9 and the public assessments for grade 10 (SSC exams). Various other topics will also be discussed.

NCTB sources said that once the evaluation process is approved in the NCCC meeting, it will be sent to schools quickly. The schools will then start using this new system for assessments. The education boards will also decide on the SSC exams for grade 10 based on this system.

Professor Moshiuzzaman, NCTB chairman (routine duty), said, "The meeting has been called. Maybe there will be an evaluation method approved. However, since the six-monthly evaluation system is internal, it will not be necessary here. Final assessment procedure is essential for annual summative assessment and public examination. That is under our consideration.

The NCTB had formulated the draft evaluation system in February this year and presented it to the Ministry of Education. A new committee was then formed to finalize the curriculum implementation and evaluation system. Based on this committee’s recommendations, the system was revised and approved in the NCTB board meeting before being sent to the Ministry of Education for the NCCC meeting.

Finally, the long-awaited approval of the new evaluation system is expected to bring clarity and stability to students, teachers, and parents.