International Master (IM) Manon Reja Neer drew with Ukraine GrandMaster (GM) Neverov Valery on Monday in the second round of the First Saturday Grand Masters Chess in Hungary. The international master Neer now plays for GM Norm. Seven points out of nine rounds is the GM norm. Neer needs to get six points in the remaining seven rounds in the ongoing tournament. He achieved one point from two matches.
At the end of the second round of the tournament, IM Mohammad Fahad Rahman jointly topped the list with one and a half points in two games.
Another IM of Bangladesh, Fahad Rahman, is looking for GM Norm. He also missed the GM norm in the Budapest. He needs five points in the remaining seven rounds to qualify for the GM norm. FIDE Master Tahsin Tazwar Zia scored one point in two matches in International Masters Chess. Scored 1½ points in 2nd round game of Under-2250 rating event. Women's Candidate Master Waliza Ahmed drew with Hungary's Por Sender.