
‘Muktobangla’ sculpture of IU most commemorative

Published : 04 Nov 2022 08:36 PM

‘Muktobangla’ is one of the most commemorative sculptures of Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia. It is the most significant sculpture of public universities in Bangladesh. 

A lot of sculptures are installed and made up in Bangladesh to memorize the freedom fighters, the Muktobangla is one of them.

The sculpture is built to pay tribute to the valiant sons of the country who sacrificed their lives for their motherland. On December 16, 1996, the sculpture was inaugurated by the fourth Vice-chancellor of the university Prof Muhammed Enam-ul-Haq beside the main thoroughfares on the campus. Artist Rashid Ahmed designed it’s to base on Islamic and modern architecture.

The seven pillars of the sculpture is meant for the Mujibnagar government in 1971 and every alike aflame eye expecting the rising sun. From up to down the red ceramic bricks is the symbol of movement and war, the black stone is of mourn and sorrow, the white mosaic is agreement and communication, and the green mosaic blue tiles are the symbol of peace. The whole sculpture is meant to the half rises sun.

The prettiness of its overwhelmed the students of the campus. The visitors and students must look around and capture a picture with it. The beauty of the muktobangla is also watched by the people who pass through the Khulna-Kushtia highways.