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More brands, patents can raise forex earning

Published : 21 Jan 2023 11:21 PM | Updated : 22 Jan 2023 09:05 PM

Bangladesh could have earned more foreign currencies if it had its own brands and patents design trademark. Due to lack of these the country is falling behind despite producing world class products and losing huge amount of foreign currency.

For example, the country's Ready Made Garments(RMG) industry which is the top earning sector is totally import-dependent while its products are selling in other brands abroad. If it would have its own brand in RMG the earnings could have been much bigger.

A shirt which is sold at USD 20 to foreign buyers they are reselling it at USD 100 at their respective stores. For example, H&M and other world renowned brands are sourcing products from Bangladesh but selling those at a big difference. 

Commerce Ministry Secretary TapanKanti Ghoshmade this observation while as the chief guest addressing a seminar held at the officeof Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (BCSIR)in the capital on Saturday.

The commerce secretary expressed the hope that BCSIR will make patents of its work. BCSIR had developed many things during the pandemic period which has saved foreign currencies and met emergency situation, he added.   

 “Our leather sector has huge potentialities, yets it is lagging behind. We slaughter a vast number of animals during the Eid-ul-Azha which ensure raw hide supply, and we have separate tannery estate at Savar but yet we are lagging behind as we don’t have globally recognized design and patent,” he added.

However, he suggested the BRiCM to make patent of their work and obtain global recognition so that our local products could reach their destinations aboroadwith less hassle using their certification. 

Senior Secretary of the Ministry of Science and Technology Ziaul Hasan mentioned the success, national and international exposer of BRiCM. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina created this institute considering the importance of chemical measurements in our national development. Bangladesh Reference Institute for Chemical Measurements (BRiCM) is working day and night in order to reach its target, he added.

The seminar titled ‘Attaining international standard in chemical measurements: BRiCM’s pursuit’ was presided over by its director general Dr Mala Khan. She described the journey of BRiCM along with its success and achievements.

 “BRiCM has so far developed 3912 chemical measurement (analytical) services, calibration services for 22 analytical equipment of laboratory and industry, and 32 medical equipment used in medical diagnostic laboratories. 

BRiCM has organized 41 proficiency testing programmes and also participated in 7 international proficiency testing programmes, produced 3 reference materials (pH Buffer, Diclofenac Na & Acetaminophen), she said. 

She further said, “Some Tk 120 crore has been saved as we have invented a Coviddetection kit, we have provided our own sanitizer to different hospitals, we have also invented a food disinfection machine at a cost of Tk 1.85 lakh but it costs Tk 22 lakh if imported from abroad.

Besides, our scientists have kept engaged themselves in developing more useful tools which can save money and time.” 

Managing Director of Pran group MdEleashMridha, Unilever Bangladesh CEO and MD Zaved Akhtar, among others, also spoke on the occasion. 

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