
Missing housewife not rescued even after one month

Published : 16 Nov 2021 10:39 PM | Updated : 19 Nov 2021 11:00 AM

Even after one month, missing Dalia Begum (19), wife of Mithun Ali of Tarapur village under Puthia upazila of Rajshahi, has not been rescued.

Family members of the housewife, however, apprehended that Dalia Begum might be abducted and sent abroad by the gang of human traffickers.

Mithun, husband of missing Dalia, said his wife came out of his house on the way to her parent's house on October-7 noon but she was missing on the way. 

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He had been staying in Dhaka during that time and hearing the news of her missing, he returned to his house and made a vigorous search for his wife and finding her nowhere he filed a general diary with Puthia police station. 

Mithun informed, he could learn from reliable sources that his wife was trying to go abroad with jobs. He apprehended, his wife has fallen in the trap of the human traffickers. 

Iftekhayer Alam, Spokesperson of Rajshahi District Police informed, Officer-in-charge of Puthia police station has been directed to take necessary steps to rescue the missing housewife. He hoped within a short time the housewife would be rescued.

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