
Meritorious students accorded reception

Published : 21 Dec 2023 11:19 PM

AK Fazlul Huq Primary School accorded a reception to its 18 meritorious students of class V and a former student Doctor Al-Ameen on the school premises in Chitalmari Upazila on Monday. Md Asmot Hossain, UNO, attended the function as the chief guest presided over Babul Kumar Brahma, president of the school managing committee. Mohitul Islam, head teacher of the school, moderated the function.  Md Babul Mia, Principal of Govt Bangabandhu Mahila College was present as the special guest. 

Among others, Md Kamal Hossain, Upazila Education Officer, Md Saddam Hossain, Upazila Engineer and Rina Biswas, Instector, Upazila Resource Centre, were present, among others.