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Many more BNP leaders likely to join Trinamool BNP

They are preparing tax returns to join polls

Published : 08 Nov 2023 11:23 PM

Many BNP leaders are believed to be joining different factions of BNP including Trinamool BNP to participate in the next parliamentary polls likely to be held in the first week of January 2024.

BNP insiders hinted that considering their uncertain political careers, more than  fifty well-known party leaders may join the national polls just before the last date of submitting party nomination papers to the Election Commission(EC).

They are preparing all their documents which are required to submit nomination papers to the EC.

BNP sources exclusively told Bangladesh Post that those who are in the pipe lines of joining in the next polls under the current government of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, are secretly  preparing their  tax returns and rescheduling  bank loans before the EC announce its schedule in the second half of current month of November.

According to the BNP sources,  leaders of some factions of BNP are also thinking of merging with the Trinamool  BNP  by dissolving their own platforms  to join  in the upcoming national elections. 

Political insiders hinted that not only the central leaders, but also the leaders of various associated organizations of BNP and   divisional, district level popular leaders may join Trinamool BNP. 

According to the sources, a large number of BNP leaders, who are currently inactive in BNP politics may also move to join the Trinamool BNP.

Pro-BNP journalist leader Shaukat Mahmud, who was recently expelled from the BNP, may join the Trinamool BNP. 

Former state minister Ehsanul Haque Milon, may join Trinamool BNP.  Former BNP minister Abdullah Al Noman, who once was a very influential leader in Chattogram division is likely to join Trinamool BNP.

Trinamool BNP is regularly communicating with all the leaders who want to participate  in the parliamentary  elections and those who are personally popular in the area. 

Political sources said that this number could exceed two hundreds.

On condition of anonymity, many BNP leaders admitted that communication between them and Trinamool BNP has significantly increased in recent weeks after BNP carried deadly violent activities on October 28. 

A section of the BNP leaders think BNP will not participate in the upcoming national elections under this circumstance.

 And that's why they consider contesting the polls and getting tickets from Trinamool BNP. 

They are determined that they would win in the polls if the government ensures free, fair and credible elections under Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

After BNP’s deadly violence and government’s response   Many BNP leaders now became clear  that the government will  hold the next parliamentary elections at any cost even if BNP boycotts.

In that case, the ruling party will try to show a participatory election before the international community.

 And for this reason, initiatives have been taken to strengthen Trinamool BNP. By participating in the polls under the banner of the Trinamool BNP, this section of BNP leaders is planning to protect their political careers.

 Many other existing factions may also merge into the Trinamool BNP after dissolving theirs.

Liberal Democratic Party led by Colonel( Rtd) Oli Ahmed may also finally  join the Trinamool BNP. However, none of those whose names are being discussed have admitted to joining the Trinamool BNP.

But various sources in the BNP admitted  that contacts with inactive leaders of the BNP have increased in various quarters. The main reason for this contact is to convince them to join Trinamool BNP. 

Even some of the few elected on BNP tickets in the previous polls, may also join the Trinamool BNP. 

The Trinamool BNP on Wednesday  announced that they will nominate candidates for all 300 constituencies in the upcoming national election.

"We will participate in the next national elections. We are trying to nominate candidates in all 300 seats," said the party's Chairperson Shamsher Mobin Chowdhury at an event in the capital's National Press Club. 

Shamsher said Trinamool BNP does not want to see arson attacks, killing of innocent people and vandalism of vehicles in the name of movement in the country.

"We want to resort to peaceful political activities. We'll participate in the next general election but a level playing field will have to be created," he said.

Shamsher urged Trinamool BNP leaders and activists to take preparation for the next polls.

Former minister and BNP leader Barrister Nazmul Huda formed Trinamool BNP in 2015. The party got registration from the Election Commission on 16 February this year.

Over 600 leaders and activists of different political parties, including BNP, as well as retired army officers, lawyers and journalists o Wednesday  joined Trinamool.

Trinamool BNP Secretary General Taimur Alam Khandkar urged Trinamool BNP leaders and activists to work unitedly for a free, fair and neutral election in the country.

He also urged the law enforcement agencies to take action against the real killers, arson attackers and those involved in vehicles vandalizing vehicles in the name of movement.