
Livelihood of 55,000 slum dwellers to be improved

Published : 07 Sep 2019 08:40 PM | Updated : 29 Aug 2020 08:38 PM

Around 45,000 slum and marginal households will get scopes of improving their living and livelihood condition through an anti-poverty project in Rajshahi city within next five years.

Rajshahi City Corporation (RCC) will implement the project titled ‘Livelihoods Improvement of Urban Poor Communities (LIUPC)’ with financial support of DFID, Government of Bangladesh and UNDP.

Mayor AHM Khairuzzaman Liton revealed this while addressing the inception meeting of the project at city bhaban conference hall on Saturday as chief guest. National Project Director Abdul Mannan, National Project Manager Ekramul Kabir, social worker ShahinAkter Rainy, Panel Mayor Shariful Islam Babu and RCC Executive Engineer and Member Secretary of the project’s town committee Nur Islam also spoke.

RCC Chief Executive Officer Shwagatul Alam presided over the meeting. 

RCC Ward Councillors, community development leaders and other stakeholders were present on the occasion.

Abdul Mannan told the meeting that the LIUPC project is intended to achieve long-term sustainable growth by eradicating urban poverty and achieving Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

The project has been designed to reach initially the underserved urban population in the city and to promote livelihoods and living conditions of 2.20 lakh poor people living in urban areas. Mayor Liton urged all concerned to discharge their duties with utmost sincerity and honesty for successful implementation of the project so that the target group of people can derive its total benefits. 

He also sought cooperation of his council members in this regard terming them as key-persons to implement the project successfully.

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