
Little rain hampers T-aman saplings in Rajshahi region

Published : 10 Aug 2023 07:47 PM

Though the Rainy season of Bangla Shrabon month nearing an end and there is heavy rainfall and floods in many places of the country, but is not sufficient rainfall in many places of the Barind region under the Greater Rajshahi division. 

Moreover, during the entire rainy season, the day temperature of the Barind region is continually increasing. The meteorological department of Rajshahi is also failing to forecast any good news of rainfall in the region soon. At the same time, thousands of acres of land in the region still remained fallow due to a lack of sufficient rainfall so far this year.  

Meanwhile, the Aman paddy saplings at the seed beds are left for the last two months for transplanting in the fields.  The farmers who transplanted the saplings after the scanty rainfall one and a half months ago are only watching desperately their saplings getting dried up and the soil is cracked due to want of rainfall. The farmers have turned helpless to the weird behaviour of nature.