Keanu Reeves has provided an updated on the status of the live-action ‘BRZRKR’ film, as well as the animated series. ‘BRZRKR’ is a comic-book series written and created by Reeves and Matt Kindt and drawn by Ron Garney. The story focuses on an immortal warrior known simply as B., who battles his way through the ages, leading to modern day where he is used as a government weapon in exchange for their help in finding out his origins and how to end his life once and for all. The 12-issue series is currently running at Boom! Studios with the first trade paperback expected to debut this month.
Reeves came up with the concept for ‘BRZRKR’ and developed it with writer Matt Kindt, coming on board to produce and star in the feature adaptation just as the first issue went to print. The live-action film will star Reeves, while he supplies his voice for the animated series. The debut issue of ‘BRZRKR’ is one of the top-selling comics of the last decade, moving over 600K issues and sending it back for reprints, with subsequent issues selling out at comic shops around the world.
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Reeves has given an update on ‘BRZRKR’, where he reaffirms that the live-action film will be an "R-rated story" for Netflix and says they've been "very cool" to work with. Reeves says that his ambition is not to do a "filmed version of the comic book" so that it isn't a direct copy of the material.
He goes on to explain that he's interested in the creative direction of other storytellers in which they follow set rules for the character but put their own spin on it. Reeves also says that they're currently looking at different animation studios to head up the animated series and that The Batman writer, Mattson Tomlin, is currently at work on the live-action script. -Collider