Kabir Suman, a well-known singer of West Bengal and a former Indian MP, has posted his will on Facebook. On October 23 he uploaded a letter written on his pad on his Facebook. He mentioned all his creations to be taken away by truck and destroyed by the Kolkata Municipality after his death.
Besides, after his death, he gave the power of attorney to a woman named Mrinmayee to decide on his case.
He states, “I, consciously and on the basis of independent thinking and judgment, declare that if I have an illness, if I have to be hospitalized, or if I die, everything related to me, in every matter and case, will be the sole responsibility of the Mrinmayee Tokdar (Mother’s name is late Pratima Tokdar, father’s name is Debabrata Tokdar). No one else will have any rights in all these matters and cases.”
The singer also donated his own body. In the will, ‘ further wrote, “Let my body be donated to medical work. There should not be any memorial meeting, mourning meeting, prayer meeting. All my manuscripts, songs, compositions, notation, recordings, hard disks, pen drives, notebooks, print outs should be handed over to the Kolkata Municipality. Nothing of mine should remain after my death. All the instruments, musical instruments, tools I use are to be destroyed. Otherwise it will be an insult to me.”
The singer-songwriter’s album ‘Tomake Chai’ appeared in the nineties. He still retains his popularity. There are also occasional songs. He shared his words on Facebook. Many people think that he has spoken of the destruction of his own creation with great pride. So his fans are also politely opposing such a decision.