Special Supplement

Just another rainy day

Published : 07 Aug 2019 09:51 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 04:16 PM

It’s pouring outside and you’re stuck at home with nothing to do and nowhere to go. All your plans have gone down the drain, as the roads are suddenly mini rivers full of mud and dirt. The thought of going out in this weather and dealing with the traffic sends shivers down your spine. Don’t despair, for your day will not completely go to waste. There’s about a hundred things you can do to enjoy the weather and utilise the time. If you want our suggestions, read on.

Firstly, you can take a long luxurious bath. Make it into a spa day. Put on a face mask. I would recommend any kind of clay mask or even a Korean sheet mask. It’s the perfect time to pamper yourself. You can give yourself an at home pedicure as well with just a bowl filled with warm water. After your little self care session, you can whip up some easy comfort food like mac and cheese and curl up in bed. Put on your favourite rom com, Disney movie, horror film (hint: The Shining, or anything else that strikes your fancy. Binge watch an entire miniseries on Netflix if you have the time. When you’re done, you can cozy up in the blankets and take a short nap.

Wake up from your nap, and put the kettle on. Take the steaming cup of tea or coffee and sit next to the window with a good book. It’s finally time to read that book you’ve been meaning to but never actually got around to doing it. When you’re all caught up on reading, take time to indulge in your hobby if you have one or take up a new interest like painting or writing poetry. Unleash your inner artist after all rainy days surely bring out the hidden romantic in all of us.

If painting or poetry is not your scene, there are a million different activities you can opt for, such as journaling, baking, etc. Or else you can take the day to rearrange your surroundings, clean up around the house and enjoy a productive day indoors. While you’re doing that, put on some mellow music in the background that will help you fully appreciate the weather. A good place to start would be Led Zeppelin’s 'Fool in the Rain'.

No matter what you end up doing on a stormy day indoors, you must never resort to entertaining yourself with your smartphone, mindlessly scrolling through social media. Take a step back from that toxic, energy draining world. Trust me; a social media blackout will do wonders for your overall mental health. You will also realise how much of your time you’ve been wasting following the mindless musings of netizens or the constant updates from your acquaintances. At the end of your lazy day, reflect and soak up the day’s peaceful energy so that you can face the rest of the week with renewed vigour. May all your rainy days be calming and soulful.