
JS team visits BKSP

Published : 18 Oct 2019 08:47 PM | Updated : 04 Sep 2020 06:53 PM

A delegation of Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Youth and Sports visited Bangladesh Krira Shikkha Protisthan (BKSP) on Thursday.

Abdullah Al Jakob MP, chairman of the standing committee, led the delegation.  A.M Naimur Rahman Durjay, MP, and Juyel Areng, MP, were also in the delegation. 

Brigadier General Md Rashidul Hasan, Director General of BKSP, greet the team members with flowers.

The delegation visited students’ hostel, department of sport science and all the sports venue of the BKSP at the time. Expressing satisfaction, the delegation said that the standing committee would always cooperate to make BKSP modern.

Hawladar Md Rakibul Bari, Director (admin) of BKSP, Lt Col Shahriar Kabir, Principal of BKSP and other high official of BKSP were present at the time, among others.