Education & Culture

IU holds workshop on ‘Grievance Redress System’

Published : 15 May 2024 09:48 PM

A training workshop on 'Grievance Redress System (GRS) & GRS Software' was held at Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia. The Grievance Redress System (GRS) committee of the university organised the workshop on Wednesday around 10:00 am at the conference room of the university administration building. 

 The workshop was held with the participation of various offices' heads, focal points and alternative focal points of various components of the Annual Performance Agreement (APA) of the university.

IU Vice-Chancellor Professor Dr Shaikh Abdus Salam participated virtually in the workshop as the chief guest. APA team convener Pro-vice Chancellor Professor Dr Mahbubur Rahman and Treasurer Professor Dr Alamgir Hossain Bhuiyan were present as special guests. Bangladesh University Grant Commission (UGC) secretary Dr Ferdous Zaman also connected virtually to the workshop as a special guest. 

Mauli Azad, deputy director of Public University Management Department and focal point of the Bangladesh University Grants Commission (UGC) spoke as a resource person in the technical session of the workshop with virtual participation. Professor Dr Jahangir Hossain, Grievance Settlement Officer (GSO) of IU chaired the program while Deputy Registrar Chandan Kumar Das, focal point of APA Implementation Committee conducted the event. 

Technology is making us useless. We have to master technology and should establish a system to use it perfectly, and also so that we can expect specific remedies at specific places. Most of the stake-holders and officers of the university do not know where to seek redress for their complaints. I'm urging you to set up a sufficient number of complaint boxes in the university, VC Dr salam said in his speech.  Grievance Redress System (GRS), is a platform for ensuring the services provided by various government departments. A citizen of the People's Republic of Bangladesh can lodge a complaint expressing his dissatisfaction or grievance against any service at any office covered by the GRS system.