All Section, Education & Culture

IU cultural, literary contest held

Published : 18 Feb 2020 05:56 PM | Updated : 07 Sep 2020 07:09 PM

A daylong cultural competition and literary contest was held at Islamic University (IU) in Kushtia on Monday amid festive atmosphere.

Law and Land Management department organised the contest on occasion of Mujib Year at the conference room of Law faculty on the campus.

IU treasurer Professor Dr M Selim Toha addressed the event as chief guest and dean of faculty Professor Dr Halima Khatun attended as the special guest.

Shahida Akther Asa, lecturer of the department conducted the programme while Associate Prof Nasir Uddin Azhari of Al-fiqh and Legal Studies department, Assistant Professor Dr Armin Khatun of Law department, Convener of Mujib year celebration committee present here, among others.

The students contested among them on Bangladesh, Liberation War and Bangabandhu thorough recitation, patriotic songs, acting and quiz competition.

Later, the result of the contest was announced and prize was distributed among the winners here.