
Independence Day celebrated in Tangail

Published : 26 Mar 2021 09:04 PM

The golden jubilee of Independence Day was celebrated with due dignity at Tangail on Friday. 50 artillery shells were fired and the national flag 

was hoisted as soon as the sun rose on Friday.

Md. Ataul Gani (Deputy Commi­ssioner) of the district paid tributes and placed floral wreath at a memorial in memory of the liberation war on behalf of the district administration. Sanjit Kumar Roy (Superintendent of Police) on behalf of the district police also paid respects with flowers along with others.

Subrata Kumar Sikder, Chief Executive of Zilla Parishad and Abul Fazl Md. Sahabuddin Khan (Civil Surgeon) were present at that time. Shafiqul Islam (Additional Superin­tendent of Police), Shahjahan Anshari (Chairman, Sadar Upazila Parishad), and Zafar Ahmed (President of Tangail Press Club) and others were also participated the celebration event.