
Incumbent, ex MPs provide grant for poor

Published : 03 Apr 2020 10:24 PM | Updated : 06 Sep 2020 12:21 AM

Local MP Ebadul Karim Bulbul and former MP Faizur Rahman Badal have provided financial support to the helpless workers, day labourers, and the poor who are staying in their homes at the time of disaster in Brahmanbaria's Nabinagar. 

A total of Tk 23 lakh  was provided as grant in the upazila. Of which Tk 21 lakh is for 21 union and Tk 2 lakh is for the municipality. MP Ebadul Karim Bulbul also provided corona protection items including 100 PPE among union health workers and rural physicians at the union level to work safely at the field level.

On Thursday MP Ebadul Karim Bulbul's personal secretary Md. Mokhtar Hossain handed over the grant and safety equipment to Upazila Chairman Md. Moniruzzaman Monir, Mayor Advocate Shiv Shankar Das, Upazila Nirbahi Officer Mohammad Masum and othets. Upazila Chairman Md. Moniruzzaman Monir said, "We will distribute the money through a committee comprising the chairman, local AL president, general secretary and a government official at the union level making a list of the distressed”.