
Heatwave cripples life in Dinajpur, no sign of rain yet

Published : 16 May 2023 08:46 PM

In Dinajpur district, people are suffering due to excessive heat wave. Dinajpur recorded a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius at noon on Monday 15 May 2023.

For the past 15 days, like most parts of the country, Dinajpur is experiencing heat wave. Normal life is disrupted by heat and intense sun.

The temperature in Dinajpur is fluctuating between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius. The intensity of the heat is increasing as the day progresses. The working people have suffered.

The heatwave has had a particularly severe impact on the elderly and the young. Many elderly people have been hospitalized due to heatstroke, while many children have been suffering from dehydration. The heatwave has also led to a sharp increase in the number of fire incidents in the district.

Meanwhile, frequent load shedding is making the heat unbearable. Those concerned are admitting that the supply of electricity is less than the demand. But they say the situation will return to normal soon.

On Sunday afternoon, auto rickshaw drivers were resting under the shade of trees in different parts of the city. Drivers Mamun and Azizur Rahman were lying in the auto rickshaw under the tree at Dinajpur railway station. They said, I can't do it in summer. So instead of driving the rickshaw, I am resting in the shade of this tree. Can't survive in sun and heat.

Manuel, a day laborer of West Shibarampur Guchchagram of No. 1 Chehelgazi Union, said that none of us can work due to the intense sun. People are not leaving their homes in this summer. People suffer more in summer due to power outages. Due to the lack of electricity, it is becoming difficult to draw water from the ground.

One of the most noticeable effects of the heatwave has been on the agricultural sector. The heat has caused crops to wilt and die, and farmers are worried about their yields. The litchi crop, which is a major source of income for many farmers in Dinajpur, is particularly vulnerable to the heat

Meanwhile, the prices of bells, watermelons and lemons have increased in the market. Pressure has increased in hospitals. Children, old people and working people are suffering from various diseases due to excessive heat.

Doctors advise to consume more pure water, food saline and liquid food to keep the body healthy in hot summer. Common people want uninterrupted power supply for some peace of mind Dinajpur Meteorological Office official Asaduzzaman Zaman Asad said that the temperature in Dinajpur has been fluctuating between 38 and 39 degrees Celsius for the past 15 days. Dinajpur recorded a temperature of 39 degrees Celsius at 3 pm on Monday.