
Hatgopalpur businessmen donate patrol car to police

Published : 11 Feb 2021 09:32 PM

The businessmen from Hatgoplapur in Jhenaidah Sadar have set up an example by handing over a patrol car to the superintendent of police (SP) in Jhenaidah Munstasirul Islam on Tuesday evening. The handing over ceremony was held at the police outpost. 

Objectives of handing over the key of the transport were ensure speedy movement of the policemen serving at Hatgoplapur police outpost to control the law and order in the locality when the police men had been suffering for want of such a car.

Additional Superintendent of Police in Jhenaidah Sadar circle Abul Bashar, Jhenaidah Sadar police station Officer in Charge Mijanur Rahman, Padmakar union parishad chairman Syed Nizamul Gani Litu, ex-chairman Bikash Biswas, Jhenaidah district 

council member Imazul Haque, acting president of shop owners association Tasirul Islam and Jhenaidah press club vice chairman Foysal Ahmad among others were present during the program. Hatgoplapur police outpost in charge sub-inspector Jahidul Islam conducted the program. 

Chief Guest of the program SP Munstasirul Islam in his speech said the police are the closest friends of the people as each and other live together in same society. This sort of donation of a patrolling car for the working police force by the business community will obviously gear up the movement of the law enforcers and help reduce the crime in the locality. 

He advised the police men to discharge their duties so that the people could live in peace and tranquility round the clock. SP also urged upon the people especially, business community to extend their helping hands towards police engaged in law and order maintenance program.