
Govt Zakat Fund cheques distributed in Jhenaidah

Published : 30 Mar 2024 08:32 PM

Government Zakat Fund cheques were distributed among the Imams and Moazzins and interest-free loans among the distressed people of Jhenaidah on Wednesday. Presided over by Islami Foundation Bangladesh (IFB) deputy director Abdul Hamid Khan, Deputy Commissioner (DC) SM Rafiqul Islam distributed the cheques as chief guest in a simple ceremony at his conference room on Wednesday noon.

Upazila nirbahi officer (UNO) Razia Akter Chowdhury attended as special guest.

IFB sources said Six Imams and Moazzins were provided with an amount of Taka 120,000, while another Taka 175,700 among 182 distressed people without interest for small trading, sewing machine purchase, students’ stipend, treatment, house repairing, poultry birds rearing and so one so that they could invest the money as they desire to earn a little to change their financial capability.

DC SM Rafiqul Islam during distribution of the government cheques said the government has been considering the socio-economic state of the Imams, moazzins and distressed people so that they could lead better life in the society with the limited government support. He urged upon the well to do people to donate their money on government fund which could be helpful for the distressed people. If each and every financially sound people comes forward to stand by the people, there will be no body to receive jakat money in near future in the country, DC SM Rafiqul Islam added.