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Globetrotter Najmun Nahar wins 3 awards on Int’l Women’s Day

Published : 11 Mar 2022 09:24 PM | Updated : 12 Mar 2022 01:48 PM

Najmun Nahar, the first Bangladeshi woman traveler to visit 150 countries carrying the national flag, has received three awards on International Women’s Day-2022.

Najmun received Special Award in London while Women Warrior Award and Branding Bangladesh Award in Bangladesh.

Her elder sister Kamrun Nahar received the Bangladesh Women Warrior Award from Liberation War Affairs Minister AKM Mozammel Haque at the ICCB Convention Hall organized by Real Heroes Expo and Communication on Tuesday, International Women's Day.

On the same day, Najmun bagged the Branding Bangladesh Award. Her one more elder sister Jobaidatun Nahar received this award from the Nepalese Ambassador to Dhaka Mr Kumar Raj at the Green House Convention Hall organized by E-Club (Entrepreneurs Club of Bangladesh).

Najmun was also awarded with the 'Special Award' on behalf of the expatriate from Bangladesh’s Noakhali district at ‘Noakhali Festival’ in the presence of Tower Hamlets Mayor John Biggs and other prominent personalities at the Royal Regency Convention Hall in London on March 6.

Earlier she had received the USA’s 'Peace Torchbearer Award', one of the most prestigious awards in the world.

She also received the Ananya Top Ten honors, Peace Runner Award, Rebel Women Award, Miss Earth Queen Award, Game Changer of Bangladesh Award, Most Influential Women of Bangladesh, Globe Award, Atish Dipankar Gold Medal Award, Zonta International Award, Three Bangla Honors and Red Crescent Motivational Award.

She has received over 50 awards at home and abroad, including the title of 'Flag Girl' in Zambia, the Successful Women Award, and the Lakshmi Youth Award.

On October 6 last year, Najmun achieved the milestone of reaching Sao Tome and Principe, the 150th country in the world. In her 21 years of world tour, on the 50th anniversary of Independence of Bangladesh, she finally set the record of travelling to 150 countries.

Najmun’s world tour began in 2000 with her participation in the India International Adventure Programme at Pachmarhi in India’s Bhopal state.

On June 1, 2018, she achieved the milestone of reaching the 100th country -- actually the Victoria Falls on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe.

With the flag of Bangladesh, she spread the message of world peace to schools, colleges and people in the remote areas of the world.

Najmun, who holds a higher degree from Lund University in Sweden, has previously worked as a researcher. She studied human rights at Seoul National University in South Korea.

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