
Get united to build Bangladesh as a country of harmony

Anti-Discrimination Student Movement tells press conference in Dinajpur

Published : 07 Aug 2024 09:45 PM

Coordinators of Dinajpur district unit of Anti-Discrimination Student Movement on Wednesday urged everyone to be united to build Bangladesh of harmony.

They made the call through a written statement at a press conference organised at the Dinajpur Press Club auditorium. Ekramul Haque Abir, coordinator of Anti-Discrimination Student Movement district unit, read out the statement.

At the beginning of the written speech, he remembered the great heroes of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement, the martyrs and the wounded, whose immense sacrifices freed Bangladesh from dictatorship and fascism. 

He dedicated this victory to all the martyrs, wounded and common people and expressed his gratitude to the common people of Dinajpur who gave shelter during these terrible nights, including lawyers and teachers.

In a written statement, coordinator Abir said following the victory, a vested quarter is active in carrying out various propaganda and trying to destroy this victory. “In this situation, in the light of the central programme, we have formed various area-based committees so that (vested quarter) does not get the opportunity to attack various temples, religious places of worship, Hindu community and minorities,” the statement said. 

At the same time, he urged all the students of the Anti-Discrimination Student Movement and the common people to be aware of this issue and to be vigilant to prevent violence, because we want a Bangladesh of harmony.

The coordinator also said the interim government, headed by Nobel Laureate Prof Muhammad Yunus, will be sworn in soon. 

“So, we expect the country to stabilise from the ongoing volatile situation very soon,” he said, urging everyone to be united to build the future Bangladesh. Thirty two coordinators of Dinajpur district unit of Anti-Discrimination Student Movement were present at the press conference.