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Improving quality of marginal people’s life

Fresh project on the cards

Published : 12 Aug 2023 10:00 PM

The government has taken initiatives to improve the quality of life of the marginal people of the country through training and providing financial supports.

For this reason, a project titled "Improving the quality of life of marginal 

professionals of Bangladesh (second phase)" has been proposed in the Planning Commission.

The cost of its implementation has been estimated at Tk 49.99 crore. Through this, experts hope that the backward groups of the society will be brought forward.

An official of the Planning Commission said that a Project Evaluation Committee (PEC) meeting will be held on the proposal on August 16.

Socio-economic infrastructure department member (secretary) MosammatNasima  Begum will preside.

Planning Minister MA Mannan said that the value of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is not to leave anyone behind.

"In other words, if we move towards development, we should take everyone along. That is why those people who are backward, associated with low-income 

occupations, will not be developed if they are not developed. Their quality of life 

will be improved through such projects", he mentioned.

According to the project proposal, the project is mainly for the marginalized 

people, especially those engaged in basic small trades or professions such as blacksmiths, potters, barbers, bamboo and cane makers, kashan or brass makers and shoe repairers or makers, musical instruments, nakshikantha makers, folk instruments, shitalpati-shataranji.

Hand training will be given to all the people involved in such traditional 

occupations including manufacturing.

In order to improve the quality of life of marginalized people, 12,000 people of 

152 upazilas of 64 districts of the country will be given 10-day soft skills training to increase the versatile use and marketing capacity of modern, sustainable product production products.Through 8 marginal industry exhibition and marketing centers in 8 divisions of the country, marketing the products produced by marginal professionals across the 

country, purchase and sale of products from trained professionals for ensuring and promotion at fair prices, 12,000 marginal native professionals trained in soft skills will be trained.

Apart from this, a one-time cash assistance of Tk 18,000 will be given after the training. For this, an expenditure of about Tk 50 crore has been proposed from the Department of Social Services.

It is proposed to be implemented from this year to June 2025.