
Extensive plan taken to produce sweet potato in Kishoreganj

Published : 08 Jan 2021 10:09 PM | Updated : 09 Jan 2021 06:03 PM

Bangladesh currently ranks as the 30th country in the world in sweet potato production, but the present government is emphasizing on increasing its production to become the 10th country on the list. 

Kishoreganj office of Department of Agricultural Extension (DAE) has been working relentlessly to implement this initiative of the present government.

Many farmers are showing interest in cultivation of sweet potato in Kishoreganj, due to its higher demand with a good market price. 

Meanwhile, low production cost and easy cultivation process of this variety of potato has already increased its cultivation considerably in Haor region of the district, sources informed.

Kishoreganj farmers have already started sweet potato cultivation for this season. Kishoreganj DAE has set a yield target of around 31,680 metric tons of sweet potato from around 1,650 hectares of land in all 13 upazilas of the district during the current season. Of this, 25 hectares in Hossainpur, 20 hectares in Kishoreganj Sadar, 7 hectares in Pakundia, 88 hectares in Katiadi, 35 hectares in Karimganj, 10 hectares in Tarail, 310 hectares in Itna, 220 hectares in Mithamoin, 320 hectares in Nikli, 280 hectares in Austagram, 40 hectares in Bajitpur, 45 hectares in Kuliarchar and 250 hectares would be brought under the cultivation in Bhairab.

Four times receiver of Bangabandhu Podok in Agricultural Activities, Agriculturist Syed Nurul Awal Taramiah said people of Philippines and Papua New Guinea consume sweet potato as an alternative to rice while in USA and Japan it is widely used as a food. Moreover, different types of tasty foods like Halwa, Payesh, bread, biscuit, pastry and cake could be made by processing this indigenous potato.

“If we can make the people habituated to sweet potato consumption the nation can reduce its dependence on rice to a greater extent”, he said adding that proper steps should be taken to make common people aware in this regard.

Md. Saiful Alam, Deputy Director of Kishoreganj DAE said an initiative has been taken to ensure the supply of seed, fertilizer, pesticides and other agro-inputs to the farmers for boosting the production of potato's in the district this season.

In this context, he also said that importance should be given to providing adequate training and agro-loans among the farmers to achieve our goals of becoming the 10th country in producing sweet potato.